Emergency Medicine
As a leading training facility for emergency medicine from the very beginning, we annualy train dozens of residents and fellows in anesthesia, emergency medicine, GP trainees and interns. Our training program is characterized by a wide range of pathologies, supported by a well-filled didactic calendar. The scientific criteria of the training are met thanks to our extensive staff in anesthesiology, intensive care and emergency medicine. The didactic program for residents and fellows includes an intensive preparatory course for the European Board Exam of Emergency Medicine (EBEEM) Part A, theoretical and practice-oriented training sessions, and extensive clinical exposure.
The emergency medicine department organizes simulation sessions once a week for the residents, fellows and emergency interns. Additionally, there is at least one didactic session per week on a predetermined topic. Almost daily, there are short training moments where a specific topic in emergency medicine is explained. During the first half of the year, this is primarily focused on preparing the fellows and senior residents for the EBEEM Part A exam. Weekly evaluation moments with multiple-choice exams are built in to help fellows identify strengths and weaknesses in anticipation of their participation. To facilitate the self-study process, the department also provides various didactic materials (Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine Just the Facts, online resources such as Hippo ED, etc.). In the second half of the year, we focus on developing practical skills such as bedside teaching of point-of-care ultrasound and simulation education. Several times a year, practical exercises are also organized around pre-hospital medicine, trauma skills, airway management (cadaver or animal lab), and disaster medicine. Thanks to the integration of our department within Critical Services, certain elective sub-rotations are possible in agreement with the rotation supervisor (e.g., airway management and vascular access in anesthesiology/operating theatre for fellows with a non-anesthesiology background, intensive care, hyperbaric oxygen therapy).
Twice a year, a two-day ATLS course is organized within the department. All fellows and residents are invited to participate at no cost. Residents and fellows who successfully complete the course receive an ATLS provider certificate that remains valid for four years. An annual two-day point-of-care ultrasound course is organized and also offered free of charge to the residents and fellows. This two-day training contains essential skills relevant to obtain the advanced master in emergency medicine.
Everyone is supported in scientific work during their training. All residents are guided to achieve the required publication or poster presentation at a (inter)national conference. This usually involves a presentation at the BESEDIM congress.Thanks to the integration of the emergency department within the critical services and the presence of a fully-fledged clinical trial unit within the hospital, there is a strong scientific engagement in which residents and fellows can also participate. Our department is represented annually at several national and international conferences.